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Xray Analysis (XRA) Compliance Testing

Compliance Auditing typically has two broad auditing components – an audit of the radiation devices themselves, and an audit of the radiation management systems surrounding the use of these devices.

X-ray Analysis (XRA) apparatus are generally all fully enclosed these days and their safety depends on a combination of engineered safety features, safe operating procedures, and compliance of XRA apparatus (and premises if applicable) with the relevant legislative framework.

When it comes to regulatory compliance auditing of XRA apparatus, some jurisdictions require auditing by an Accredited Person and the subsequent issue of a Certificate of Compliance.

Requirements vary, but generally, a Certificate of Compliance is required for the individual XRA apparatus (and sometimes the premises) prior to first use and at three-yearly intervals thereafter.  Auditing is performed by third-party service providers such as Radiation Services WA.

Routine inspections of XRA apparatus (fully enclosed) must be made at least every 3 months as per the Code of Practice (RHS 9), Section 7.3.

During long-term storage of XRA apparatus, it may be possible to relax these auditing requirements.  This should be discussed with your local regulator, reflected in your Radiation Management Plan (RMP) and ongoing accountability for the unit maintained at all times.  The unit must have a quarterly inspection completed before being energised for any reason.

An annual audit requires a more rigorous inspection of the XRA apparatus than of a quarterly inspection, together with a review of all associated practices related to the safe use of the XRA equipment.

The results of the annual inspection are to be documented in an Annual Report, which should also include a snapshot of the current site inventory and details of any XRA equipment that was: new; replaced; relocated; disposed of; within the previous year.


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