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Founded in 2008, Radsol specialises in total client radiation management solutions for the Mining, Oil and Gas and Industrial sectors. Boasting a highly experienced team of experts, we offer a range of services from the purchase and import of radioactive materials to installation, commissioning and decommissioning, compliance auditing, training and end-of-life material disposal.

Our highly experienced team can work alongside your operations team to develop tailored solutions for companies or personnel that may be exposed to or work with radiation sources of all varieties. Radiation Protection Advisors (RPA) are fully accredited and licensed as Radiation Safety Officers across all industrial uses of radiation. They can conduct compliance audits and issue certificates of compliance in the Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia.

All training Delivery staff are Certificate IV Trainer & Assessor certified and continue to operate in Radiation Protection Advisor roles to ensure that they are across the latest information and techniques from both training and subject expertise capacities.

We pride ourselves on our ability to meet our client’s needs in a customised and timely manner. We aim to be market leaders in providing tailored solutions for our clients based on our wealth of knowledge and experience.

Why trust Radsol?

Teamed with our proven know-how and reliability, we have a reputation for prompt and professional service Australia-wide. Both our in-house team and consultants have extensive experience, having worked in various regulatory and industrial radiation management capacities.

Our team is known and highly commended for our ability to educate and inform about radiation safety in simple, easy-to-understand terms, putting the risks associated with radiation into a real-world perspective.

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